Workshops and Presentation Topics
These workshops can be designed for departments, teams, groups of any size who are looking to connect more in person or virtually.
Please note: These are highly interactive workshops, meaning no multi-tasking allowed. If offered virtually, participants will be asked to turn their audio and video on in order to participate in the activities. Everyone will have a chance and be asked to contribute. However, participants always have the option to just watch and listen if requested.
Applied Improvisation Workshops and Presentations
Presentation Titles include:
○ Guided Improvisation for Laughter, Fun & Creativity
○ Improv for Self-Care
○ Cultivating a Yes And Mindset
○ Three C’s of Teambuilding - Communication, Collaboration, & Creativity
○ Play Break! (shorter session - about 20-30 minutes)
○ Laughter and Fun Happy Hour
There are many skills and lessons that can be addressed through different improv games and exercises, such as:
“Yes, and...” Mindset
Brainstorming/World Building
Thinking quickly on your feet
Being creative/living a creative life
Making your co-worker/teammate look good
Getting out of your head and into your body
Embracing mistakes and letting go of perfection
Taking risks
Trusting Yourself
And many more!
Let’s talk about how to customize the workshop to best fit your team’s needs.
Wellness Presentation: Creating Your Self-Care Plan
Self-care is so important for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We are all looking for ways to take care of ourselves and be our best selves at work and in our personal lives.
This presentation encourages attendees to take care of themselves by thinking about their sleep, exercise, self-love, and food.
Throughout the workshop, participants are instructed to brainstorm how they can still meet their health and wellness goals even on the busiest of days.
Attendees will walk away with an easy and attainable approach to wellness instead of an all-or-nothing approach to wellness, and they will have created a self-care plan that works for them and their busy lifestyle.
If applicable, Dayna can also discuss other wellness programs and benefits that the company offers (ex. EAP programs, wellness apps, fitness classes/discounts, etc.) to remind employees about all the great programs they have access to from their corporate wellness program.
Find the Fun in Public Speaking Workshop
All participants, no matter the size of the group, will get a chance to speak.
Public speaking is scary and difficult for many people! It can feel like something we “have to do” for work. But what if we reframed it as we “get the opportunity” to share our story/message/presentation about our services and products with others?
How much better would our presentations be if we enjoyed giving them instead of dreading them?
Finding the fun in public speaking is easier said than done, but with enough practice and shifting our mindset, we can make public speaking enjoyable for ourselves, which will also make it more enjoyable for our audiences.
Workshop Objectives:
Participants will gain tools to add to their speaker’s toolbox.
Participants will get an opportunity to speak in front of a group and share a message they care about.
Participants will leave with more confidence and excitement about public speaking.